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November 23, 2023 - By:

Truck emission standards

Truck emission standards approved by the European Parliament; neither T&E nor ACEA are satisfied

Heavy vehicle manufacturers will have to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from their new vehicles by 45% from 2030, 65% from 2035 and 90% from 2040, the European Parliament decided yesterday. Industry organizations responded quickly to the vote.

On Tuesday, November 21, the European Parliament concluded almost a year of debate on the rules on CO2 emissions from heavy-duty vehicles by adopting its negotiating position with 445 votes in favor, 152 against and 30 abstentions.

MEPs want stringent CO2 emission reduction targets for medium and heavy trucks, including specialized vehicles (such as garbage trucks, dump trucks and concrete mixers) and buses. The targets would be 45% for 2030-2034, 65% for 2035-2039 and 90% from 2040.

The moose shows that the European Parliament agrees with the Commission’s proposal to allow the registration of only new, zero-emission city buses from 2030 and to propose a temporary derogation (until 2035) for biomethane city buses under strict conditions. These stringent conditions mean that the standards should be extended to cover the 20% of heavy vehicle sales that the Commission has proposed to exempt, such as waste disposal and construction vehicles and small trucks used in EU cities.

The next step for the European Parliament will be to start talks with EU governments on the final shape of the legislation.

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